Mail-Order Drug Benefit

Mail-Order Drug Benefit

Please note: Not all our members have mail-order prescription drug benefits. Please check your health plan details or ask your benefits coordinator to make sure you have mail-order benefits.

Your time is valuable. With our mail service prescription drug program, you can get your prescriptions delivered by mail directly to your home in plain, tamper-evident packaging. When you order by mail, you can get up to a 90-day supply of medication (31-day supply only for Specialty Drugs) with no claim forms to file and no waiting for reimbursement! And you'll receive the medication, in the right amount, at the right cost and the right time.

Getting Started

Get a written prescription from your doctor for up to a three-month supply of your medication, with three refills, if appropriate. If you are presently taking medication, ask your doctor for a new prescription.

Print and complete the mail service order form. Mail the completed form, your original prescription(s) and copayment(s) to the address listed at the bottom of the form. You can pay by check, money order, MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express.

Our mail service will process your order and send your medication to you via U.S. mail or Federal Express, along with instructions for future refills, if you have any. Please allow up to 14 days for delivery from the time you mail your order.

Refills Are Simple

If you already enjoy the benefits of prescription home delivery, it's simple to order medication refills. Request refills online or by phone at 855-811-2218. (This link leads to a third party site. That party is solely responsible for the content and privacy policies on its site.) Both are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

To refill a prescription via the internet or phone, you will need their prescription number, five-digit ZIP code, and credit card number and expiration date.