Start the Journey to a Healthier Future

Start the Journey to a Healthier Future
It takes courage to begin the journey to a healthier you. Getting rid of old habits and starting new ones can be a challenge. But the rewards are worth it. A healthy lifestyle can prevent disease, save you money and make your future brighter.
You don’t have to walk this path alone. Our FOCUSfwd Wellness Incentive Program is here to help.
By taking part in our FOCUS Points activities and GET FIT challenges, you can get closer to meeting your health and wellness goals. You can also earn up to $110 in rewards each year!
Plus, for every activity or challenge you complete, you’ll earn entries in our Sweepstakes. Our Sweepstakes consists of $1,000 quarterly and $5,000 annual cash rewards. Every accomplishment increases your odds of winning!
- FOCUS Points
When you complete three of the following FOCUS Points activities, you will receive a $70 reward and 40 Sweepstakes entries.
- Complete the Personal Health Assessment: When you finish this confidential assessment, you’ll get insights on your risk for certain chronic conditions.
- Get an annual wellness exam: A yearly wellness exam can help you be proactive about your health. It will show you any areas that you should focus more on.
- Get one of the following preventive screenings or a flu vaccine:
• Colorectal cancer screening: Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the country. All adults should have a colorectal cancer screening after age 45.
• Prostate exam: Prostate cancer is a very common male cancer. But it is very treatable if caught early. All men aged 50 and older should have regular prostate-specific antigen blood tests and digital rectal examinations.
• Mammogram: A mammogram is the best way to detect breast cancer early. It could save your life! Women who have an average risk of breast cancer should have a mammogram every year starting at age 40.
• Pap smear: A Pap smear looks for cervical cancer. It can also detect cells that could become cancer in the future. All women who are 18 and older should have a yearly Pap smear.
• Diabetic foot exam: People with diabetes have a high risk for many types of foot problems. An exam can help find and treat these problems before they become serious.
You can receive up to $40 in rewards and 40 sweepstakes entries for completing quarterly GET FIT step challenges!
There are four challenge cycles over the course of each year. You can register for the challenges in the FOCUSfwd app. Be sure to sync your fitness tracker to the app. If you log 500,000 steps for each challenge, you’ll earn a $10 reward and 10 Sweepstakes entries.
Get the FOCUSfwd app To Keep Track of Your Health and Rewards!
With the FOCUSfwd app, you can complete FOCUS Points activities and take part in GET FIT challenges. You can also redeem your FOCUSfwd rewards.
Follow these steps to learn more about how to download the FOCUSfwd app and link your account:
- Log in to My Health Toolkit® on your mobile device.
- Access the FOCUSfwd Wellness Incentive Program.
- Select the Continue button.