Making Corrections to Provider Enrollment Applications

Making Corrections to Provider Enrollment Applications

July 12, 2023

My Provider Enrollment Portal (MyPEP) is our provider enrollment portal that offers a web-based solution for providers who are credentialed or are interested in credentialing with BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina to complete the enrollment process. Since its launch in 2022, continuous upgrades and enhancements have improved the portal’s performance to ensure applications meet the necessary requirements for completion.

At times, providers unknowingly submit applications that include errors or have incomplete sections. This results in the application being returned to the provider for corrections. When this happens, the provider must go into the portal and make the necessary corrections, as handwritten corrections cannot be accepted. The signature and date fields are the only fields that should be handwritten.

When corrections are made in the portal, the system tracks the corrections and applies them to the appropriate fields. The system will then generate the corrected document(s) back to the case which will require signatures, initials and dates to be updated based on the changes.  

Going forward, if an application is returned for corrections, be sure to complete them inside the portal to avoid any potential delays. If applications are received with handwritten corrections, they will be returned. 

For questions regarding this bulletin, please contact Provider Education at 803-264-4730 or