Patient Resources

Are your patients trying to quit smoking? Dealing with a serious illness? Learn about the Great Expectations for Health programs we offer to help your patients understand their health conditions and manage their health care effectively.

Complex and Catastrophic Case Management

Do you have patients with serious conditions who need a variety of health care professionals and treatment plans? These kinds of patients may sometimes benefit from intensive care coordination. Examples include terminal cancer, head injuries or spinal cord injuries. We have a special program for these patients who suffer a catastrophic event or chronic condition. The program coordinates health care resources, alternative treatment plans and benefits to help members get through this difficult time.  

We work together as a team. We involve the member, health care professionals and the member's family. Our registered nurse case managers will also draw on our excellent menu of health and disease management programs. This helps our members get the educational materials and clinical support they need.

Do you think this program would help any of your patients? A doctor may contact Health Care Services to request evaluation for our case management services. You can also call to discuss a member's treatment. A case manager will review information from the doctor, member and other sources to see if the member qualifies for our program.

Once we have reviewed a referral, we either accept or decline the case. If we accept the case, the case manager will coordinate a care plan. This includes identifying the problems, goals and interventions.

If you have questions or if you'd like to refer a patient, please call (800) 327-3183, extension 25588.

End Stage Renal Disease

Patients who suffer from end stage renal disease are going through a difficult time. We can help make the treatment process easier with a special program, especially for members on dialysis.

A community-based registered nurse with experience in renal management and dialysis will help coordinate all care. He or she will meet with the member and his or her family. He or she will work with dialysis providers and nephrologists. With this program, we aim to reduce complications and support the member to a successful transplant.

Do you think this program would help any of your patients? If you have questions, please call (800) 327-3183, extension 25241.


For more information on these topics, please visit these sites.

Adult Asthma Action Plan

Pediatric Asthma Action Plan

Childhood Obesity

The American Institute of Preventive Medicine provides a wealth of information on a variety of preventive topics. We would like to send you complimentary educational materials about childhood obesity to share with your patients.

The material includes information on:

How to Determine if a Child is Overweight or Obese Causes of Childhood Obesity


You can order up to 100 copies by calling 1-800-327-3183, ext. 25068.

  • Healthy Eating
  • Ways to be More Active
Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal Cancer Basic Facts

Colorectal Cancer Basic Facts (Spanish)


If you or someone you know is struggling with depression and looking to join a support group, click here to find a list of Behavioral Health Organizations that are willing to help.


Diabetes Handouts

Migraine Handouts

What Is Migraine?

Work With Your Doctor to Manage Your Migraines

Migraine Medicines

Avoiding the Emergency Room

Lessen the Impact of Migraine

Migraine Triggers

Migraine Action Plan

Migraine Diary

These handouts were produced by GlaxoSmithKline and brought to you as a service by BlueChoice HealthPlan. This information is for educational use only and not intended as a substitute for medical care. Please consult with your physician for advice regarding your particular condition.

Postpartum Resources

Postpartum Support Community Resources

Patient Education
Smoking Cessation Centers

Smoking Cessation Centers

Spanish Resources

These brochures were produced by various pharmaceutical companies and are available in Spanish. We will be glad to send any of these directly to one of your patients.  Also, medical offices may request a supply to keep on hand. 

  • Diabetes log books
  • Los Ojos: Ayúdese a controlar la diabetes (Your Eyes: Taking Control of Your Diabetes)
  • Daño a los nervios (Nerve Damage)
  • Los Riñones (Your Kidneys)
  • Cuide sus pies (Proper Foot Care)
  • Nutrición y diabetes tipo 2 (Nutrition and Type 2 Diabetes)
  • Recetas y plan de comidas (Recipe and Meal Planner Guide)
  • Contar los carbohidratos/Leer las etiquetas de las comidas (Counting Carbohydrates/Reading Food Labels)
  • Comidas sanas para personas con diabetes/Tamano correcto de las porciones (Meal Planning/ Measuring
  • Correct Portion Sizes)
  • Pequeños pasos para un peso sano/Diario de comidas (Small Steps to a Healthy Weight/Food Diary) 
  • Qué es una migraña? (What is a Migraine?)
  • HIT-6™:  Prueba De Los Efectos Del Dolor De Cabeza (HIT-6™:  Headache Impact Test™)
  • Trabaje con su médico para controlar sus migrañas (Work with Your Doctor to Manage Your Headaches)
  • Medicamentos para las migrañas (Migraine Medicines)
  • Cómo evitar la sala de emergencia (Avoiding the Emergency Room)
  • Cómo reducir el efecto de las migrañas (Lessen the Impact of Migraine)
  • Activadores de las migrañas (Migraine Triggers)
  • Preguntas más comunes acerca de las migrañas (Common Migraine Questions)
  • Plan de acción para las migrañas (Migraine Action Plan) 

Consumer Web Sites Available in Spanish: